your initial health consult

have you been putting up with ...

  • Fatigue, Insomnia or Exhaustion?  

  • Do you feel unmotivated, flat and feel you are just surviving each day?

  • Do you have poor gut health, Bloating, Constipation, Reflux, IBS ?

  • Are you affected by Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Memory Problems?

  • if this is you, then we can help.


booking your initial consultation

  • Click on the above button to Book your Appointment Date and Time
  • You will then receive by Email your comprehensive Health Questionnaire to be completed. This can also be collected at the front desk.
At your Initial Consultation, please bring copies of any:
      -  Blood Tests and Medical Reports that you have had done within the last 12 months
       - Any Medications you are presently taking
       - Any Nutritional Supplements you are presently taking
Your Initial Consultation is 60 minutes
At your Initial Health Consultation we will discuss in-depth your main health complaints, health history, diet, lifestyle and stressors.

What Happens After Your Initial Health Consultation

After your Initial Health Consultation, an in-depth Analysis of the information gathered from your completed Health Questionnaire, Blood Tests, Medical Reports and Consultation is completed.
You will then receive your Blood Test Review and Treatment Plan, to address your specific symptoms and begin you on the road to overall improved health and energy.
Your Treatment Plan may include Nutritional Supplements, Natural Medicine, changes in Diet and Lifestyle recommendations.  I look forward to helping you with improving your particular health conditions.



Fatigue is not a disease but a sign of dysfunction.  Do you feel unmotivated, flat and feel you are just surviving each day?

A feeling of tiredness can at times be a normal part of life, however when fatigue starts to control your life where you are purely surviving on sugar or coffee to keep up with your fast paced lifestyle or using  stimulants to curb that 2-4pm tiredness to only turn around and feel if not worse the following day even though you may have slept well. 

When fatigue becomes constant and affects our ability to work, perform daily tasks or starts to affect other areas of health and our quality of life then it must be addressed.

We often associate stress as something that only happens when we are rushed, angry or feeling on edge with work or family life, however stress on the body can be anything from infection, Inflammation, sleep deprivation and chemical exposure.

Examples of symptoms:

  • Fatigue even after 8 hours of sleep  

  • Dizzy or Lightheaded 

  • Inability to cope with stress

  • Cravings for sugar and Carbohydrates

  • Exhaustion

  • Disrupted Sleep Cycles

  • Lack of interest in daily activities 


Good Digestion is the key to good health.

Our digestive system performs the function of breaking down food and absorbing nutrients.

Our gut is the fundamental element behind a healthy immune response, with 70% of our immune system found in the digestive tract and approximately 90% of our neurotransmitters for healthy mental state being produced in the gut. 

Our digestive system is the host to trillions of good and bad bacteria forming an ecosystem known as your gut microbiome.  Your microbiome is an essential part of healthy living as without it, we wouldn't survive and without a healthy one, we can't thrive.

Some of the health conditions related to gut health we treat

  • Bloating 

  • Gas 

  • Reflux 

  • Ulcerative Colitis 

  • Crohn's Disease 

  • Heartburn

  • Candida

  • IBS

  • Constipation

  • Flatulence 

brain health issues

If you are under constant stress, you may experience symptoms like memory problems and loss of concentration, as well as headaches, fatigue, difficulty sleeping or recurrent nightmares, irritability, backaches or rapid heartbeat.

Mild anxiety can heighten physical and mental alertness, allowing the person to react quickly to threat, avoid injury or escape danger. The automatic 'fight or flight' response produces symptoms such as heart palpitations, sweating and restlessness.

A person suffering from depression for the first time will likely complain of difficulty in concentrating; overall feelings of fatigue, loss of pleasure and interest in hobbies and friends, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping; early morning awakening; unexplained sadness or weight loss, loss of self-confidence; feelings of worthlessness and recurrent thoughts of suicide.

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Depression

  • Memory Problems

  • Difficulty Concentrating

  • Brain Fog